Monday, May 31, 2010

Weekly Weekend Woes 5/31

As per usual I am updating you on my weekend, and as per usual I will start with Friday!

Did a week's worth of Spanish2 homework in half an hour's time, got to work 15 minutes early, completely owned by having the dishes and lunch done early so that no one was waiting to be fed, started to get a headache so I picked up some caffeine at McDonald's, and some for my Mentor as well. Dropped the caffeine off and chatted with Mentor until 3:25PM when I had to leave for a puppet meeting. Practiced puppets, made props, had pizza and had a killer headache because Youngest Sibling was not being encouraging. Went home and then immediately to Hobby Lobby with my Youngest Sibling so she could pick up more prop materials and I could mat and frame a picture for my Mentor as a surprise. Felt better as I had a better time. Went home and watched Valentine's Day with siblings and mother and then went to bed.

Woke up at 7:30, got ready for a day of traveling, and packed into the car with family at 8:45AM and started the long drive to see my relatives and celebrate my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary. Had a decent time excepting one embarrassing incident. Drove home and arrived back at 10:15PM. Youngest Sibling attempted to get me to make props but I said I needed to go to bed. Youngest Sibling called me a jerk and slammed my door.

Woke up late, but was earlier to worship band practice than most of the band and sound guys. heard a good message at church, then afterward made plans with Mentor to get together Memorial Day and talked with the guy who will help me get a computer. Went to my friend's house to play Dungeons&Dragons with my siblings and my Ex and his brother and his older sister and her husband (Henceforward to be known as the DM and the DM's Wife). It was awkward to be around Ex, saw cuts on his arm which he said were from his cat, but I am not so sure- but it is none of my business. Accidentally usurped party leader's authority and made him mad. Went to a youth group cookout, and then gave a friend a ride home on my own way home.

That was my weekend! My weekends have not been bad as of late, but I have noticed a pattern- my Youngest Sibling and puppets. I do not think I should be on the team anymore seeing as she does not treat me like the rest of her puppeteers, and how much abuse I am receiving from her, but I promised I would go through the summer. So I will honor my promise and then I will "wash my hands" of the whole thing so to speak.
Today was better, I met with my Mentor, and we had a late lunch and I gave her the framed picture and we had a good talk, before then I had done my laundry and cleaned my room and worked on my D&D character's picture and background story. Although my sister yelled at me again and "ordered" me to do props. Not something I find particularly motivating or encouraging. I will live I suppose! See you when I see you.

~Kai Rennegade

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