Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekly Weekend Woes 5/23

Actually my weekend was not that bad, but I have found that venting about even the small things can help me feel more relaxed =)

So again we will start with Friday!

Worked 10-2:30 at daycare, kids were ornery and so did not receive a treat or 'treasure box', left work to bum around the house for a few hours- but ended up having a very log and hard text conversation with my Ex's mother that left me with stomach knots and with a headache- and then return to work at 5:45 for a staff meeting that went until 7 PM. Afterward I called my Mentor and we talked on my ride home and while I jammed quietly on Shugga (my electric guitar). I felt enormously better afterward.

Woke at 9:15, pulled on a shirt and some sweats and drive myself and my Middle Sister to puppet practice, where Little Sister and mother were waiting. I gave my idea of having our puppet team do our VBS set for my daycare since we are also doing a VBS themed week, and it was shot down by my Little Sister and only one other member. This was discouraging and I had a half-hearted attitude the whole practice. We stayed late and worked on props then went home where I vegetated in my room reading manga and playing Mortal Kombat Deception. Watched Post Grad with my mother and sisters then went to bed and dreamed about a sheep-sized guinea pig that I killed with a cattle prod and then my family considered butchering it for food. (Believe it or not, that is not the craziest dream I've had.)

Woke up on time at 6 AM, got ready for church and sat reading on the couch until it was time to leave, went to church and set up a sign-up sheet for VBS babysitters and then went to service where the topic was on Sex, or more specifically Adultery and how in the Sermon on the Mount (Found in Matthew chapter 5) Jesus taught about his ethics on the matter. It hit home in quite a real way as the pastor discussed pornography, which is something I myself have struggled with for a long time (Thank God for being a God of grace and for sending me people who help keep me on the strait and narrow!).
Later tonight I will babysit for a church goer who is going to "LOST night" at our church (All the crazy Losties at our church... *sigh*)!

Well that is my weekend! I would say it was a far sight better than my last weekend! Thank you for reading and I shall leave you with the blessing of the Lord as well as a prayer!

May the Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, and give you His peace both now and forever more amen!

God of grace, thank you for a wonderful week, and for a weekend of few trials! Thank you for your strong hand, I pray that you will keep it over me in the next week, and over those who read this! Thank you, God for your unbelievable grace and for a reason to be alive!
In Jesus' name I pray, amen!

~Kai Rennegade

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