Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Baffling Boys

Boys. Boys, boys, boys! Why do they have to be so... weird... and confusing... and just downright baffling?! I mean, I have only been broken up with Ex for a little over a week now and I am being asked out by this guy in my small group (Which I sort of informally quit so that my Ex would still go) who I only have ever talked to in small group and only met by chance ONCE at a coffee shop while I was on my way to hang out with another friend. So he out of the blue asks me out. On Facebook.
Everyone keeps making cracks about how sexy I am so that I am attracting guys as soon as I am back on the market. But I have already decided that I would not date until I was ready to settle into the roll of Wife, which means most likely after I am out of college and well established in a job! So I've made it clear that this would be a "just as friends" date, and he said he had no long or short term expectations, so it would of course be just as friends. Still, this experience has led me to compile a list of criteria for my ideal spouse (Yes, I am that crazy weird, but writing it out helps me loads so that I'm not stuck somewhere trying to figure out where I stand on things)

Here is my list- Qualifications/Qualities for my Ideal Spouse
1. MUST place God as #1 in his life and encourage me to do the same.
2. His priorities must match or be similar to mine (ex, God, Family, School/work, Friends, etc).
3. Must have a job and be able to support himself.
4. Must be involved in a ministry or volunteer time somewhere.
5. Has to have taken Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University (Being divided about how to budget would be a bad thing!).
6. Mature, but knows how and when to have fun.
7. Funny.
8. Plays video games but not obsessively or competitively.
9. Listens when I vent and doesn't try to immediately "fix the problem" when I have not asked for his help.
10. Understands where I have been and what I need because of it (ex, knows that I need to have an accountability partner/mentor in my life and meet regularly with her).
11. Does not push me to do or be anything other than be a daughter of Christ.
12. Understands the meaning of "no".
13. Doesn't cling to me, but is not cold or distant.
14. Is comfortable to talk to.

That is all I have so far, and it seems pretty reasonable to me. I will keep you posted if the list gets added to or updated etc. For now, it is off to work with me!

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