Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thirtieth Post!

Well huzzah, I have made it to my thirtieth blog post. This is perhaps the most consistent I have ever been with a blog! That makes this post one of the most monumental, one of the biggest markers, I have ever had (Blog wise). And to celebrate this occasion I have some big news:

I have a job.

!!! (I do not normally use punctuation to tell of my excitement, so that should be a clue as to how excited I am) This is such an amazing thing, I cannot even put into words how uber cool this is! I got my job this way; I walked into the Tacobell, thinking I would just pick up an application and then walk out, but one of the workers saw me with the application and asked if I needed a pen before I could get to the door. I told her that I already had a pen (Which I did, I always carry pens with me) and then, because she obviously expected me to fill the application out in the store, I sat down and filled it out (Conveniently I had all the information I needed to fill it out with me. In my bag of wonders.). After that I handed the application in, and the same employee told me to wait for a minute while she gave it to her manager. So I waited and she came back and handed me a test, told me to fill it out and then her manager would come out to interview me. So I went and filled out the test and handed that in and then was told to sit and wait. And so I was interviewed. I was told that my Social Security number would have to be called in to make sure that I hadn't worked for any Tacobells in the past and that I would be called within the next few days.
I went home and started playing League of Legends, thinking it really would be a couple days before I was called back again. Ten minutes into a game and my phone rings. I port my character to base (Where he can't be killed) and answer. Lo and behold, I got the job, and I go in on Thursday to fill out paperwork and pick up my uniform and etc.

So yes, I have a job now, praise God! I am so glad I had so many people holding me up in prayer, and that I have such good friends who helped me look for jobs to apply at!

In other news, a couple of my friends joined the Army Guard, and while I am happy for them (One of them did it to be able to afford a ring for his fiancé [now his wife], and to be able to provide for her), I am still going to miss them a lot(The other is a big part of my social circle). Vash* wrote on his blog about why he joined the service about how he is doing it for the people he loves, and he named off a list of people who he loves as his family and my name was on there, along with my two sisters. It sort of makes me feel special and want to cry at the same time. Vash is like my annoying twin brother (We are roughly the same age), we argue a lot more than we get along (Although, not recently), and sometimes- in those unexpected moments- we are nice to each other and work together. And the closer and closer it gets to his leaving the more I feel like I am going to be missing out on a friendship that has a major potential to grow stronger. It might sound silly, but I do want to become better friends with him. I think if we used all the energy we spend arguing and put it towards something we both enjoy the result could be huge! I think that is why we sponsor a child together- in one of those moments when we agreed on something we started something beautiful.

Bah, now I am just sounding sappy and cheesy. You know, this is how I started to like my Ex. He told me he was thinking of joining the service and I told him that I would miss him if he went. (He obviously didn't end up going, but the moral of the story is, that my romantacized brain should not be told that any of my male friends are going into the service.)

Well, happy thirtieth post everyone, I have got to get going!

~Kai Rennegade

*Once again names have been changed, due to my obsessive need for codes.

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