Monday, August 9, 2010

My Weekend Equals Vegetation

So Friday was the official start of my weekend. I awoke sometime around noon to find that almost everyone was gone except for my sisters. Even my dog was gone. (I later found out that she had been throwing up and my parents had taken her to the vet.) After I ate brunch (Which I think was chocolate raspberry ice cream... I cannot remember.) I sat in my room on my computer for the most of the day playing League of Legends and surfing the internet. After dinner my parents and siblings made me go to a movie with them. We watched Charlie St. Cloud, which was a pretty predictable storyline, and in general I though I could have used my time to play more computer games.

Saturday, the rest of my family went to a company picnic in Iowa, which I refused to go to because last year's was more boring than folding a mountain of socks. So I stayed home with the sick dog, letting her out frequently to potty, giving her medication to her at the proper times, and making sure she did not throw up in my room. I also played more League of Legends, and The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker, and then later that evening I made dinner for my family as they returned home.

Sunday was my last day playing guitar at church as a regular band member (I am now a sub, in case someone calls in sick or something), and we rocked out! After church, my sisters and I went to a friend's house and played Dungeons and Dragons for two-three hours, then I played League of Legends with one of my friends and we totally ganked (Gang killed) all other teams! I was called to confirm babysitting plans that I had not made, and had to turn down the job. And I officially pissed off our children's director at church... So I will have to make amends with her soon. Then we all went to another friend's house for a surprise party, where my middle sister and I stayed while our youngest sibling went to a movie with a friend in town. We ended up getting home at about ten thirty.

So yes, all this weekend I pretty much veg'd in my room. And played League of Legends like an addict. But most of my weekend was great! Which is a far sight better than how they usually are! It was nice to not have plans and to not be needed anywhere. I just got to sit and exist! It feels like how summer really should be! And I am so glad I got to have that taste before school started up! (Which it will in a couple more weeks!) So anyways, I am off to play more LoL before bed, as always thanks for reading!

~Kai Rennegade

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