Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mid-Week Update

Wow, I need to get more creative with my titles I think...

Anyways, So my week has been good thus far. The whole "wearing makeup everyday in August" is working out good, and it has given me motivation to get up with enough time to get ready and moving for the day instead of waking up five minutes before I have to leave somewhere and throwing some clothes on and rushing out the door. And, because I am not rubbing my eyes so much (For fear of having coon eyes), my eyelids and etc are less raw! Not from like crying or anything, I just like to rub my eyes.

This morning I did some more babysitting. We all sat in their downstairs watching Spongebob or iCarly, or Hannah Montana (One of those three...) and suddenly one of them asks me "Are you cold, Kai*" and I say, "Well, sort of..." and immediately she offers me a blanket saying it was the most snuggly. And she covered me up and pretty much tucked me in. I closed my eyes for juuuuuuust a second..... And I went to sleep. Next thing I know I am waking up to yelling coming from the game room as all three of the kids (And their friend who had stayed the night and was hanging out with us today) play Super Smash Brothers Brawl. I called to them to be respectful with their words to each other and that if they were going to talk trash I was going to shut the Wii off. I do not think they were listening. And then next I heard "JESUS CHRIST!" coming from the mouth of the eldest and without thinking I yelled (Very loudly and probably meaner than I should have), "I HOPE YOU'RE SAYING A PRAYER, MAX*!" to which I received the sassy reply: "I am!"
I heard it one more time before I got up and went into the room and told them that if I heard that come from his mouth again I would rip the Wii from the TV and throw it against the wall. (Well okay, I did not say that, but I was about to...)

That was most of the excitement for the day. I felt bad yelling at them for trash-talking though because when i play my online games I do the same thing- just not to anyone's face. I yell at my computer, and even cuss at it about how "everyone on my team is a cussing noob!", and "what the cuss was that?!" "Learn to play cusser!". It gets really nasty... And it brings me back to what we talked about on Sunday which was do not judge in Matthew 7:1-6. I should remove the log from my own eye before I even think of fixing the speck in my brother's eye. The difficulty here is that: Do they even know I have a log in my eye? Well no of course not, but does that give me the right to judge them? But I was placed in authority over them so I have to uphold the rules their parents put in place...
But I am trying to deal with the log in my eye, so it is not like I am not trying to stop my foul mouth and then telling these kids to stop. I'm trying to stop and help them from becoming like me and getting to the point where they swear like a sailor. So okay, I guess that works out...

Tomorrow I babysit again, I have to collect money for the babysitters at Bible study, and hand out extra books to the people who are apparently coming... I wonder if anyone volunteered to lead in my Mentor's stead (She's going to a conference, and she left today!)?

Tonight I had small-group (for 20-somethings, and high school graduates), and I do not know if anyone was going to warn me about this or not, but some fairly attractive guys go to this too. Including Zeke* who I have been sort-of-kind-of "crushing" on for a little while now.... My mentor razzes me about him a lot. I cannot help it if I notice that he is very nice, has good standards, and meets a whole lot of my criteria for a good spouse (And, as I discovered tonight, he is extremely good at Ping-Pong). But I know one of my friends likes him too. She does not know I like him. So, odds are I am going to stamp out any crushy-feelings I have for this boy so as to not get in the way.
I tend to do that. When I find out one of my friends likes a guy that I like to I will be the one to back down. Sometimes I feel like that is stupid of me... If they are my real friend then they will get over it if (HYPOTHETICALLY) I dated someone they had liked. I mean, I do it all the time, so why should not they for me sometimes?

Ehh, I do not know.

Hm, I have not had my quiet time in over a week. I have almost caught up on my bible study book though! Sad that I have to "catch up" but I really needed to go back and re-read the whole thing from the beginning instead of skipping the chapters I missed out on.

Anyways, I am going to play maybe one game of League of Legends and then call it a night. As always, thanks for reading!

~Kai Rennegade

*All names have been changed (Just because I am weird about putting people's actual names down...)

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