Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Work, VBS, and Computer Purcahses

Well, it has been quite a few days since I posted anything- even a simple thing like a Saturday Survey, Weekly Weekend Woes/w00ts, or Home-Grown Therapy! So I suppose it is time to catch you up on the events of my life!
So this week has been VBS (Vacation bible School) week, and my friend and I are the Childcare Coordinators, it is probably the easiest job in the whole program because all we have to to is tell the sitters what rooms they need to be in and then we need to check on them once in a while and then give them snack and the rest of the time we just hang out with each other! So that is every night! I get to church at around 4:45 for dinner (they feed the volunteers!), then I sit with a couple of my "adult friends" and chat with them and their kids while I eat and then I check on the sitters and then run to the puppet stage to set up for our show. After our five minute show I head back to the childcare area and do what I described to you as my job!
This week I am still sticking to my regular schedule too! On Monday I still went to my Mentor's house four "our day", and tomorrow I am still going to bible study, I am still working every day this week like normal!

So today I made three major purchases for my computer! I bought an HP 20" LED flat screen monitor, a web cam, and speakers! I now have a pretty sweet set up in my room with all this stuff! (Well I am still trying out the set up, I have yet to decide if I like it or not! I still like to be able to sit in an actual chair when I am on the computer!) I am very excited about these purchases, they are all so far working very well and running smoothly and like they are supposed to!

Well, it is getting late so I am going to log off my computer and go to bed so I can go to bible study tomorrow! Hope to blog again soon!

~Kai Rennegade

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